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we expect results and so should you!

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Our physiotherapists offer hands on individualised treatment for all injuries and musculoskeletal  concerns. Our physios expect improvements after each appointment. 

Image by Carl Heyerdahl

Ergonomic Assessments

Our experienced physiotherapists can come to you to assess you at your work station in your own work environment.


Small Group Exercise Classes 

Our physiotherapist-led exercise classes of up to 3 people, aim to improve your posture, core strength and flexibility. Using a variety of equipment such weights, reformers and resistance bands 

Image by Toa Heftiba

Remedial Massage

Our experienced remedial massage therapists can treat damaged  muscles and tendons that may be knotted, tense or immobile. Helping reduce the chance of re-injury and providing a restful and relaxful reset. 

Pilates Instructor

1:1 Exercise Classes

Have our physiotherapists create you a custom pilates informed exercise routine, to promote continued recovery from injury or improve your flexibility and other exercise goals.

Shoulder Massage

Sports Massage

Our accredited remedial massage therapists can help with recovery from sports injuries by releasing tight muscles and scar tissue. Sports massage can increase range of movement in the body's joints, promoting flexibility and strength. 

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Visit Us 

Kyle House, Mezzanine Level, 27 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000

0412 688 465

Contact Us


Kyle House, Mezzanine Level, 27 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000

9251 5111
0412 688 465

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