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What is Physio?

Child Physiotherapy

At Your Health Domain, the needs of our patients are always at the forefront of treatment. Our experienced physiotherapists will assess and prescribe a treatment plan based to your individual needs, ensuring to educate you about your injury and rehabilitation. 

Our priorities are improving physical function, reducing pain and discomfort and promoting prevention of further injury. 

If further assistance is required, we can refer you to other experienced and highly regarded medical practitioners, podiatrists, nutritionist's, along other health care practitioners. 

Your Appointment

Filling Out a Medical Form

For your initial appointment it is important to bring any relevant x-ray or scans with you. You do not require a referral to see a Physiotherapist. During your appointment, your Physio will asses your: 

  • Range of motion

  • Muscle length and strength 

  • Joint stability and

  • Nerve function  

This enables your Physiotherapist to accurately diagnose your injury and formulate a treatment plan specific to your needs.

How we help

Physical therapy on leg

Our experienced physiotherapist treat a wide range of conditions. They will  employ a wide range of techniques including: 

  • Joint mobilisation and manipulation 

  • Soft tissue massage 

  • Stability and strengthening exercises 

  • Stretches (muscle or nerve) 

  • Specific sport or movement pattern screening

  • Education to prevent injury re-occurrence e.g. correct work station set up

Neck and Head Injuries 

Cervicogenic headaches

Neck pain 


Wry Neck 

Tempomandibular Joint Pain and Dysfunction (TMJ)

Shoulder, ELBOW, WRIST & HAND Related Pain 

Shoulder impingement 

Frozen Shoulder

Rotator Cuff Tears

Golfer's Elbow

Tennis Elbow

Carpal Tunnel

Hip,Knee, ankle, foot Pain

Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) pain

Lumbopelvic Dissociation 

Patello-femoral Pain Syndrome

Ligament tears and ruptures

Meniscal Injuries


Achilles Tendnitis

Plantar Fascitis

Ankle Sprains

Post surgical

ACL Reconstructions

Knee, Hip, Shoulder Replacements


Hip and Shoulder Labral repairs


Stress Fracture Fixation 

Our Physiotherapists can treat a series of injuries however not limited to:​

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Kyle House, Mezzanine Level, 27 Macquarie Place, Sydney NSW 2000

9251 5111
0412 688 465

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