Kyle House, Mezzanine Level, 27 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
*Willoughby appointments available upon request
Massage Therapy

Remedial Massage

To treat damaged or impaired muscles and tendons that may be knotted, tense or immobile, Remedial Massage works through to the 3rd and 4th layers of the muscle. It improves the body's circulation, easing muscle pain and tension, assisting the body's immune system and promotes a feeling of well being. It will give your body more energy and reduces the chance of re-injury and illness.
Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue massage at Your Health Domain Sydney CBD works through to the deeper sections of muscle tissue in order to breakdown scar tissue and thickened muscle fibres and release toxins held deeply in tension points. It helps to increase joint range of movement and promotes flexibility and strength. It also stimulates the production of natural join lubrication which will free you up for movement.
Deep Tissue massage is suitable for many physical problems including chronic pain and sport-related muscle soreness. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on specific areas. You may experience some treatment soreness during or after the session lasting for a day or two.
Trigger Point Massage

Trigger points are areas of hyperirritability in the muscles that cause pain or may occur post exercise. They cause muscle spasm, less movement and refer pain to other parts of the body. Massage helps release trigger points by applying localised firm pressure over specific points within the muscle.
Sports Massage

Sports massage therapy at Your Health Domain Sydney CBD helps with recovery from sports injuries by releasing tight muscles and scar tissue. It will increase range of movement in the body's joints, promoting flexibility and strength. It also stimulates the production of natural joint lubrication.
Sports massage therapy will be tailored according to where you are at in your training cycle – pre-event, mid season, off-season. The aim is to maximize your recovery process and therefore you enhance your performance. Discuss your training program and event status with your treating therapist.
Book with Bandoll for all sports related massages
Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage is a specialised treatment offering the expecting mother a safe space to recharge and replenish.
Our well trained and experienced massage therapists at Your Health Domain have a good understanding of each individual pregnancy and provide the client with a specifically tailored treatment. Well-being and therapeutically support of both the mother and baby are the top priorities in our practice. Massage in pregnancy is a safe form of pain relief.
The Massage therapists at Your Health Domain are here to help break the pain cycle by encouraging muscles to relax and manually increasing venous and lymphatic circulation to the areas of discomfort.
Book with our massage therapist Zuzana for all pre-natal massages
New Massage Patient Registration Form
Complete this form and send to reception at before your first appointment.